The Planning Poker is a method allowing to give time estimates for the development of features.
This method is very often used in the Scrum method by the Agile teams.
The deck of cards that will serve all along the meeting carry values that are much more lucid for the evaluation of duration tasks. These values are: 0, ½, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100. They correspond to the number of days that takes a given feature to be developed.
In Preview the Planning Poker does not have units, you can decide to choose to estimate your work in points or in hours. To refine time and if you do not want to use the points of the Planning Poker you can modify the total field and put the time that suits you.
The main objective of the Planning Poker is to en support an open discussion on time estimates. This tool helps the team to reach a more accurate proposition instead of counting on the opinion of a colleague more influent and more vocal than the others. It allows also to the team to benefit from the experience of all the team members.
A task asks frequently several types of jobs. On Preview you can cut tickets and estimates through the Planning Poker according to the different jobs associated to the ticket's realization.
It allows to reduce the quantity of tickets and to gather directly all the stakeholders in one ticket, without making doubloons.